Training/Leadership Opportunities
Training/Leadership Opportunities
Diabetes Self-Management Community Peer Leader Training
Become a Diabetes Self-Management Community Peer Leader. With this virtual training you gain the qualifications to lead interactive community-based workshops to help adults who have Type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic control their A1C’s and reduce the complications associated with diabetes. Click here to learn more.
Candidates must attend ALL trainings to be certified. Class size is limited to 12 people. If this course is full, please contact to be added to the waitlist and be notified of future dates.

When: TBD
Chronic Disease Self-Management Community Peer Leader Training (CDSMP)
Become a Chronic Disease Self-Management Community Peer Leader. With this virtual training you gain the qualifications to lead interactive community-based workshops to help people improve their self-management skills to help control their ongoing health conditions. Click here to learn more about CDSMP Training.
Candidates must attend all trainings to be certified. Class size is limited to 12 people. If this course is full, please contact to be added to the waitlist and be notified of future dates.

When: TBD
Cancer: Thriving & Surviving Community Peer Leader Training
Become a Cancer: Thriving and Surviving Community Peer Leader. With this virtual training you gain the qualifications to lead interactive community-based workshops to help cancer survivors live a full and active life. This leader training requires no prior experience with SMRC programs. Once trained, leaders will be able to Cross-Train into other programs such as Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) or Chronic Pain Self-Management (CPSMP). Click here to learn more about CTS Training.
Candidates must attend all training sessions to be certified. Class size is limited to 12 people. If this course is full, please contact to be added to the waitlist and be notified of future dates.
Applicants must agree to lead 2 workshops in the first year and 1 workshop per year thereafter to remain certified in the program. Your agency must have an active MOU to use the LWCE program license.

When: TBD
TBD: PEARLS Leader Training
Become a Certified PEARLS Coach. With this virtual training you gain the qualifications to lead this interactive evidence-based one-on-one program designed to reduce depression in physically impaired and socially isolated individuals.
PEARLS (Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding LiveS) is a one-on-one evidence-based program designed to reduce depression in physically impaired and socially isolated individuals. The program is offered in 6-8 sessions over a 19-week period by a certified PEARLS Coach.
PEARLS is an evidence based program designed to reduce depression in adults (18+). A PEARLS certified coach leads the one-on-one sessions over a 19 week period. Sessions can be done in the home, or at a community location. Sessions can be conducted in person or via Tele-Health.
Click here to learn more about PEARLS Leader Training.
Candidates must attend all training sessions to be certified. Class size is limited to 12 people. If this course is full, please contact to be added to the waitlist and be notified of future dates.

When: TBD
- Partnering Agencies training coaches into this program MUST PROVIDE psychiatric oversight for the individuals implementing the program.
- Partnering agencies must also agree to document PEARLS encounters into the ENHANCE Sound Generations database for fidelity and oversight. (That annual fee is NOT covered in this grant and must be paid for by the participating agency. Current annual fee for usage is $200)
- Agencies having coaches trained must agree to counsel a minimum of 5 clients per year per coach to remain certified in the program.
- Your agency MUST HAVE an active MOU with the LWCE to use the program license.
Cross-Training for Community Peer Leader Diabetes Self-Management Community Peer (DSMP)
In order to participate in the Cross-Training you must have current leader status and be previously certified in a 4-day SMRC program to be eligible to cross-train.
Become a Diabetes Self-Management Community Peer Leader. With this virtual training you gain the qualifications to lead interactive community-based workshops to help adults who have Type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic control their A1C’s and reduce the complications associated with diabetes.
Candidates must attend both trainings to be certified. Class size is limited to 12 people. If this course is full, please contact to be added to the waitlist and be notified of future dates.

When: TBD
Diabetes Self-Management Community Peer Leader Training
Become a Diabetes Self-Management Community Peer Leader. With this virtual training you gain the qualifications to lead interactive community-based workshops to help adults who have Type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic control their A1C’s and reduce the complications associated with diabetes.
Upon Completion of DSMP Peer Leader Training:
At the conclusion of the DSMP Peer Leader Training, you will be certified to teach the DSMP course in your respective community. Details about the course are as follows:
The Diabetes Self-Management Program is based on the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) developed at the Stanford University Patient Education Research Center. Different subject matters are taught over the course of 6 weekly, 2-1/2 hour sessions all focused to help each participant manage their diabetes. This program covers both the physical aspect of managing diabetes as well as the emotional aspect of managing diabetes.
The Diabetes Self-Management Program was written and researched by Stanford University and is now part of the Self Management Resource Center. The Diabetes Self-Management Program was originally written in Spanish for a research project funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research. The study was completed in 2007. Results demonstrated improved health status, health behavior, and self-efficacy, as well as fewer emergency room visits. A new study was conducted in 2015 with the following outcomes:
· Reduced hemoglobin A1C
· Increased engagement in healthy behaviors (i.e., exercise and cognitive symptom management techniques)
· Positive changes in health status (less pain, fatigue, worry, and less health distress). Increased self-efficacy
· Better communication with healthcare providers
· Fewer visits to physicians and emergency rooms
For more information about the DSMP course, click here.

Details of the DSMP:
This interactive and participatory program is for adults who are living with diabetes. This workshop is recommended for people that are managing Type 2 Diabetes or are pre-Diabetic. The content of this program is based on focus groups with diabetes educators and people with diabetes and meets the content standards of both the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Diabetes Educators.
Caregivers and support people are welcome at the workshops and are encouraged to participate as well. Workshops are led by 2 trained lay leaders and are held in community settings (libraries, community centers, churches, housing units etc) for 10-16 individuals. Textbooks are provided for each participant to use as a resource throughout the workshop.
The program does not replace any existing programs or treatment. In fact, the classes enhance those provided through accredited programs often provided in hospital settings. Treatment is not altered. For medical questions, participants are referred to their physicians. If the content of the course conflicts with instructions they receive elsewhere, they are advised to follow their physicians’ orders and discuss discrepancies with the doctor.
Adult-age caregivers, family members, and others members of a support team are highly encouraged to attend.
Partnering agencies delivering the workshop provide a textbook for each participant to use as a resource throughout the workshop. Participants are encouraged to attend all 6 sessions. Participants enjoy sharing experiences and provide mutual support to each other.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Community Peer Leader Training
Become a Chronic Disease Self-Management Community Peer Leader. With this virtual training you gain the qualifications to lead interactive community-based workshops to help people improve their self-management skills to help control their ongoing health conditions.
Upon Completion of CDSMP Peer Leader Training:
At the conclusion of the CDSMP Peer Leader Training, you will be certified to teach the CDSMP course in your respective community. Details about the course are as follows:
The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program was written and researched by Stanford University and is now part of the Self Management Resource Center.
Outcomes of the Chronic Disease Self Management Program include improved health literacy, patient activation for self-management, increased physical activity, improvement in: depression, unhealthy physical days, medication compliance, better health outcomes: (reduced fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, stress, and sleep problems), fewer sick days, and reduced ED and hospitalization.
For more information about the CDSMP course, click here.

Details of the CDSMP:
Different subject matters are taught over the course of 6 weekly, 2-1/2 hour sessions all focused to help each participant cope with their chronic disease. Physicians and other health professionals at Stanford University have reviewed all materials in the course. Workshops are led by 2 trained lay leaders and are held in community settings (libraries, community centers, churches, housing units etc) for 16 individuals or virtually for 10-12 individuals. Currently trainings are conducted virtually.
Partnering agencies delivering the workshop provide a textbook for each participant to use as a resource throughout the workshop. Participants are encouraged to attend all 6 sessions. Participants enjoy sharing experiences and provide mutual support to each other.
Cancer: Thriving & Surviving Community Peer Leader Training
Become a Cancer: Thriving and Surviving Community Peer Leader. With this virtual training you gain the qualifications to lead interactive community-based workshops to help cancer survivors live a full and active life. This leader training requires no prior experience with SMRC programs. Once trained, leaders will be able to Cross-Train into other programs such as Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) or Chronic Pain Self-Management (CPSMP).
Upon Completion of CTS Peer Leader Training:
At the conclusion of the CTS Peer Leader Training, you will be certified to teach the CTS course in your respective community. Details about the course are as follows:
This interactive and participatory program is for adults who are living with cancer or who have had a previous diagnosis of cancer. This workshop teaches real-life skills for living a full and active life.
This program is based on the Chronic Disease Self Management Program (CDSMP) developed at the Stanford University Patient Education Research Center. Different subject matters are taught over the course of 6 weekly, 2-1/2 hour sessions all focused to help those affected by cancer. This program covers both the physical aspect of managing cancer as well as the emotional aspect of coping with cancer. Resources, skills and action planning contribute to having a greater sense of control over living with cancer.
Adult-age caregivers/support people, family members, and other members of a support team are welcome at the workshops and are encouraged to participate as well. Workshops are led by 2 trained lay leaders and are held in community settings (libraries, community centers, churches, housing units etc) or virtually for 10-16 individuals. Partnering agencies delivering the workshop provide a companion textbooks to each participant to use as a resource throughout the workshop. Participants are encouraged to attend all 6 sessions. Classes are fun and interactive. Participants share their experiences and successes and provide mutual support to each other. The workshop builds confidence around managing health, staying active, and enjoying life.
For more information about the CTS course, click here.

What topics are covered:
- Mind Body Connection
- Fatigue Management And Getting Help
- Getting A Good Night’s Sleep
- Regaining Fitness During And After Treatment
- Dealing With Depression
- Managing Pain
- Living With Uncertainty
- Cancer And Changes To Your Body
- Future Plans For Health Care
- Healthy Eating
- Treatment And Complementary Therapies
- Cancer And Relationships
- Guided Imagery / Relaxation
- Communication With Your Healthcare Provider
- Decision Making
- Action Planning And Problem Solving
Details of CTS:
Cancer: Thriving & Surviving Program came about through a collaboration by Dr. Kate Lorig (who is a cancer survivor herself), University of Hawaii and Cancer Centers in CO, VA and TX ( The first Cancer: Thriving & Surviving Program released was an on-line version but in 2015 a face-to-face version was released and has been taught to several hundred participants around the country since then. Significant improvement was observed in the following areas:
- Increased energy (+ 13.8%)
- Decreased depression (- 19.1%)
- Provider communication (+ 16.7%)
- Less pain (-19%)
- Problems related to stress (-17%) and sleep (20%)
Does the program replace existing programs?
The program does not replace any existing programs or treatment. In fact, the classes enhance those provided through accredited programs often provided in hospital settings. Treatment is not altered. For medical questions, participants are referred to their physicians. If the content of the course conflicts with instructions they receive elsewhere, they are advised to follow their physicians’ orders and discuss discrepancies with the doctor.
PEARLS Leader Training
PEARLS (Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding LiveS) is a one-on-one evidence-based program designed to reduce depression in physically impaired and socially isolated individuals. The program is offered in 6-8 sessions over a 19-week period by a certified PEARLS Coach. PEARLS is an evidence based program designed to reduce depression in adults (18+). A PEARLS certified coach leads the one-on-one sessions over a 19 week period. Sessions can be done in the home, or at a community location. Sessions can be conducted in person or via Tele-Health.
Details of PEARLS Program:
PEARLS was developed and researched by the Health Promotion Research Center (HPRC) at the University of Washington, in close collaboration with local community partners.
PEARLS randomized, controlled trial (RCT) in the community setting evaluated the impact of participants’ level of depression, quality of life, and healthcare utilization. This study showed that over 12 months, individuals who received PEARLS were more likely than those who did not receive PEARLS to:
1. Have a 50% or greater reduction in depression symptoms (43% of PEARLS recipients vs. 15% of the usual care group)
2. Achieve complete remission from depression (36% of PEARLS recipients vs 12% of the usual care group)
3. Have greater health-related quality-of-life improvements in both functional and emotional well-being. The study also demonstrated a trend toward lower hospitalization rates among those who received PEARLS compared to those who did not.
Please note, the participants in this RCT group had minor depression (51.4%) and the remainder had persistent depressive disorder (48.6%).
Does the program replace existing programs?
The program does not replace any existing programs or treatment. In fact, the sessions enhance those provided through accredited programs often provided in hospital settings or community settings. This program does have clinical oversight (psychiatrist) who at times may make recommendations to the participant and also to the client’s physician and medical team. Interaction with the client’s providers optimizes patient safety and increase the comprehensiveness of the PEARLS intervention.

About PEARLS Coaching Sessions:
Sessions 1-3 are done weekly, sessions 4 and 5 are bi-weekly and sessions 6-8 are monthly. An additional 3 monthly brief check-in calls are utilized to ensure the client is managing well. Session structure includes the weekly administration of the PHQ-9 to assess for depressive symptoms.
The sessions focus on three fundamental principles:
· What a participant is experiencing are symptoms, and the symptoms are due to depression.
· There is a close link between depression and unsolved problems. Problem Solving Treatment (PST) assists clients with skills to begin to address problems.
· Increasing participation in social, physical, and other pleasant activities leads to a decrease in depressive symptoms.
When PEARLS participants use problem solving techniques, become more socially and physically active, and experience more pleasant activities, their symptoms of depression can be decreased. The key to the success of this program is that it is participant driven.
An essential component of PEARLS is psychiatric supervision/clinical oversight and consultation. The PEARLS counselor works closely with psychiatric oversight. Clinical oversight may include recommendations about psychiatric medications (mostly antidepressants) can be made as well as when medical issues, drug side effects, or other issues are contributing to depression or other mental health symptoms.
The key to the success of this program is that it is participant driven. Each week, counselors encourage their participant to define and select a problem that they want to address, and then support the participant in selecting his or her preferred solution. Commonly selected problems range from financial problems, to social isolation, to health care needs or housing related issues.
Participants are also asked to increase engagement in social and physical activities. The key is to empower participants by encouraging them to engage in behaviors that help them reach their goals. Participants are urged to continue with the approach on their own after the sessions have ended.
PEARLS is designed for adults with different kinds of depression:
· Minor Depression: Individuals have some of the symptoms of depression, but do not meet the *DSM criteria for major depression or dysthymia.
· Persistent Depressive Disorder: Individuals have an ongoing, low-grade depression of 2 or more years in which depressive symptoms are present more days than not.
· Major Depression: Individuals have enough symptoms over the past 2 weeks to meet the criteria for a major depressive episode. PEARLS is also effective in treating major depression in all age adults with epilepsy.
*The nationally utilized and validated tool to identify depressive risk-PHQ-9 is used to assess depressive symptoms.
For more information about the PEARLS course, click here.