Powerful Tools For Caregivers
Powerful Tools For Caregivers classes help caregivers take better care of themselves while caring for a friend or relative. This evidence-based education program offers a unique combination of elements. Caregivers learn self-care tools to reduce stress, manage emotions and increase confidence in coping with caregiving demands. Caregivers will also gain access to community resources. Originally developed to reach caregivers of adults with chronic conditions, Powerful Tools for Caregivers has expanded the program to include classes for parents of children with special needs.
Below you will find more details about the program. Click the button to find a workshop near you.
What topics are covered?
- Caregiver Stress And Stress Reduction
- Self-Confidence
- Time Management, Goal Setting, Problem Solving
- Better Communication Of Your Feelings
- Helpful Local Resources
- Tools To Assist In Tough Decision-Making

Who can attend ?
The 6-week PTC class has been shown to have a positive impact on caregiver health for a diverse group of caregivers including:
- Spouses/Partners
- Diverse Ethnic Communities
- Adult Children Of Aging Parents
- Caregivers Of Children With Special Health And Behavioral Needs
- Caregivers In Both Rural And Urban Communities
- Spanish And Korean Speaking Caregivers
Does the program replace existing programs ?
The program does not replace any existing programs or treatment. In fact, the classes are designed to enhance caregiving skills for family caregivers.
What can I expect from the class ?
Research studies find high rates of depression and anxiety among caregivers and increased vulnerability to health problems. Caregivers frequently cite restriction of personal activities and social life as problems. They often feel they have no control over events, and that feeling of powerlessness has a significant negative impact on caregivers’ physical and emotional health.
In the years since the program began, extensive research, evaluation and revision has been done to ensure its continued value and success. The 6-week PTC class has been shown to have a positive impact on caregiver health for a diverse group of caregivers.
Details of program
Powerful Tools for Caregivers gives you the skills to take care of yourself while caring for someone else. By taking care of your own health and well-being, you become a better caregiver.
The PTC curriculum was developed over three years of pilot testing in Portland, Oregon and offered since 1998. Originally developed to reach caregivers of adults with chronic conditions, Powerful Tools for Caregivers has expanded the program to include classes for parents of children with special needs.
Community and government agencies, healthcare facilities, cooperative extension services, and faith-based organizations host the classes.
Six class sessions held once a week are led by experienced class leaders. The PTC class is available in three formats: 90 minute or 2 ½ hour class for caregivers of adults with chronic conditions, and the 2 hour class for caregivers of children with special health or behavioral needs. Classes range in size between 8-15 caregivers. Class participants are given The Caregiver Helpbook to accompany the class and provide additional caregiver resources. The curriculum is available in English, French, Korean, and Spanish.
The PTC class curriculum meets the highest-level criteria of evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion programs per the Administration on Aging/Administration for Community Living.
Participants are encouraged to attend all 6 sessions. Participants enjoy sharing experiences and provide mutual support to each other.