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MAC Inc., Living Well Center of Excellence (LWCE) serves as a hub for evidence-based programs in the state of Maryland. Along with holding the license for several of these programs, LWCE also serves as the training and learning collaborative for Chronic Disease Self Management Education, Stepping On and PEARLS programs. LWCE coordinates statewide trainings for these wellness programs as well as manages a centralized data collection system for assessing the effectiveness of these programs.
LWCE works to significantly improve the quality of life and health care outcomes of Maryland’s older adults by contracting with multiple health systems across the state of MD as well as Area Agencies on Aging and organizations who serve older adults and adults with disabilities to deliver these impactful programs. Through these collaborations and partnerships, LWCE is able to provide a continuum of care which includes lower health care costs, improved health outcomes and improved quality of life for older adults.
LWCE has received several awards for innovation and delivery of these programs and continues to be the premier agency for evidence-based programming in the state of Maryland.
The Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence is part of MAC, Inc., a non-profit Area Agency on Aging located in Salisbury, MD. MAC, Inc. stands for Maintaining Active Citizens where the mission is to assist and advocate for an aging population to live with dignity and thrive in their homes and communities. MAC, Inc. was established in 1972 and was the first Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in Maryland and one of the five original AAA’s in the country. MAC, Inc. also serves as an Aging and Disability Resource Center for the Lower Shore of Maryland, designated by the U.S. Department of Human Services, Administration on Community Living. MAC, Inc. remains the premier organization on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to offer an abundance of services to help older adults “age in place”.
In 2015, Maryland Department of Aging (MDoA) designated the LWCE as the Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence and transferred the statewide license to MAC, Inc. MAC, Inc. and the LWCE work to address social, health and economic needs of older adults and people with disabilities. The Maryland Living Well Center or Excellence (LWCE) holds evidence-based program licenses for the state of Maryland including Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) , Stepping On Falls Prevention, and PEARLS depression intervention. These programs improve health and functional outcomes in older adults in addition to reducing emergency room visits. The Maryland LWCE collaborates with many health care systems and community based organizations (CBO’s) to address chronic disease and social determinants of health and connects individuals to home and community based services as part of a true population health approach to care.
The Living Well Advisory Committee, which is part of the Living Well Center of Excellence, was established in 2015 and meets quarterly to provide expertise and guidance on statewide initiatives and assists in ensuring a unified and consistent approach to EBP implementation across the state. The Committee has over 70 active members who represent local, regional and state organizations. Members also implement EBPs, refer clients, and/or link participants to other needed services.